07 April 2011

Assignment due Tuesday, April 12th

NOTE:  Please refer to the plan and section view in the post below for your measurements.  Do not use the measurements given in class today.

1)  Make a Dummy Site from blue foam where the total possible build area is left as a void.

2)  Make five Box Sitings according to the following:
a)  Make a 2 by 2 by 2 condensed project box
b)  Site the 2 by 2 by 2 box in the site, filling in the appropriate amount of foam to complete the volume of the sloped ground missing.  You can extend chipboard planes and piano wire out of the box (not brass, copper, or wood) to mediate between the site and the box but you can't make new parts to do this.

These five box sitings should each fit into your "dummy site" so we can switch them out and look at them.

Take a nice digital photo of each of your five schemes placed into the site and print out your photos so we have a reference.
