John started as an industrial engineering student. He took my 101 class when he was thinking about changing majors. He jumped into studio after that. In his second year John "Parked a Car" at the entrance of the architecture building. He has never been officially charged with the event.
Later he did a project using blenders and light bulbs, the blender box. It won an award.
We went to Montréal for Summer Study Abroad. He got a view of his site by flying a kite over it. Marti, who you will meet later in this semester, is the person behind him in the video.
The Farm Machine I mentioned in class is HERE.
He also figured out how to deliver the mail to the whole country via giant "Pivot Irrigators".
He went to graduate school at Princeton. Now he's working in Boston. He wants to go home to Texas and have his own practice in Austin.